It may be difficult to find a Muslim who does not know how to pray. But the prayers and surahs that are offered in prayers may not be memorable to many. So for them, this prayer and Surah app. From the beginning of the prayer to the end, you will find all the Tasbihs, Surahs and prayers. There are Bengali pronunciation and Bengali translation.Prayer and Surah for the prayer can be found in the app:Blessings of the PrayerPrayerTashahud or AtahiyatuDarud SharifDuaey MasuraDuae KunutAl FatihaAl IkhlasAl FalaqSurah NasSurah FillSurah MounSurah QuraishAl QausarSurah KafirunSurah LahabPrayer and Surah App Features:Simple and beautiful designThe Arabic pronunciation and the meaning of Bengali in the Surahs of BengalThe app works offlinePrayer and Surah Aap are very important for all Muslims. Hope you like and enjoy the app.